"If then you are looking for the way by which you should go, take Christ, for He Himself is the way."
- Saint Thomas Aquinas
We, the priests and pastoral staff of St. Pius, would love to accompany you as you seek closer union with God!
We want you to know the fulness of peace, charity and saving truth that can be found in a living relationship with Jesus Christ.
Our parish offers a communal process of spiritual and educational formation (called the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults or R.C.I.A.) for all adults who seek to become full members of the Roman Catholic Church.
The process is open to all persons, regardless of religious or philosophical background, who genuinely seek by God’s grace to live their lives in the distinctive Catholic Christian faith.
The RCIA process follows the ancient practice of the Church as the regular way adults prepare for baptism or to receive other sacraments, such as Holy Communion or Confirmation. It includes several stages marked by study, prayer, and even solemn rituals at Mass.
All RCIA participants undergo a process of conversion as they study the Gospel, profess faith in Jesus and the Catholic Church, and receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist.